Preschool training

Preparation for school life begins with the start of kindergarten and continues for years thereafter. Today’s primary schools, especially those that run bilingual classes, place serious demands on children.

That’s why, in addition to everyday activities, we also keep special pre-school classes on a weekly basis for children in their final kindergarten year. The most important task of pre-school training sessions is to prepare the children for a smooth start to school, with a focus on the areas that are most emphasized in the first grade.

Subsequent learning of reading, writing, and arithmetic is prepared using playful methods appropriate to the age of the children. We also consider it very important to develop task awareness, task retention and the ability to concentrate, which is a prerequisite of school maturity.

We place great emphasis on observing and measuring the abilities and individual development of children, so that they can receive help in time in case they fell behind in any territory. Our educators constantly monitor the development of the children, take notes about it and inform the parents.
External specialists are also involved in their work: in the preschool group, the speech therapist of our kindergarten also assesses the children. During the screening she examines the symptoms suggestive of dyslexia, as well as the graphomotor abilities of the children.

Preparing for school

The goal of kindergarten education is to make children fit to start school by the end of the preschool year. Acquire the physical, mental, spiritual and social skills that are essential to feel successful and make friends at school.

Therefore, during the kindergarten years:

  • We establish and practice the basic habits and forms of behavior that are the conditions for successful integration into the school community.
  • We develop the system of skills, abilities, and qualities necessary for learning and effective school performance.

In order for children to learn to count, read and write at school, they must have acquired qualities, skills and behaviors that strengthen the fine motor skills, spatial orientation, etc., which are necessary for school work. That is why the task of the kindergarten is to prepare the children with a playful skill development, on which school work and learning can be based later. In the program graduality prevails: the curriculum is structured according to the real order of development of young children, taking into account their stages of growing.

Preschool training

The goal of preschool training:

  • developing of general motor skills and great movements
  • developing of rhythm
  • developing of fine motor skills
  • developing of body scheme
  • developing of laterality
  • developing of spatial orientation
  • developing of temporal orientation
  • developing of visual perception and memory
  • developing of audio perception and memory
  • developing of attention and logic
  • developing of verbal expressiveness

Kindergarten children who are about to graduate take part in the preschool training during the afternoons kept in small roups or individually.